Important announcements and reminders about the online classes of the faculty in the new academic year

Important announcements and reminders about the online classes of the faculty in the new academic year

Greetings and congratulations on the arrival of the new academic year to the distinguished professors of the Faculty of Electronic Education
Due to the start of classes from next week and the changes that have been made in the way of supporting and monitoring the quantity and quality of classes in the Faculty of Electronic Education, please consider the following points during the new academic year:
1- About recording meetings
A- The responsibility of holding a class with the presence of students and recording online classes is the respected professor of each course, and due to the importance of recording the sessions, please make sure that the respected professor of each course activates the class recording before starting the lessons, and if for They have this problem and ask for help from technical support.
Also, we request the respected students to have a useful and effective presence in the online classes, and at the time of the class, take the class offline for yourself because sometimes the recorded link may not be accessible after the class is held due to technical problems.
2- Checking the class link and user account
Please be sure to check the link of the relevant class before the first virtual class of each lesson so that there is no problem. If there is a problem with your class link or user account, please contact the support of the Information Technology Center and resolve the problem before the start of the class.
3- Before starting the classes, check that your system and device have the necessary specifications and software and see the guides on the help page so that you have the least need for technical support.
4- For technical problems, just contact Shiraz University Information Technology Center support at 07136132222 or 07136132929 (from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.)
It is hoped that the upcoming academic year will be full of happiness and health for you, dear lords.

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اطلاعیه ثبت نام پذیرفته شدگان مرحله تکمیل ظرفیت مقطع کارشناسی پیوسته و کارشناسی ناپیوسته پذیرش صرفاً بر اساس سوابق تحصیلی نیمسال دوم سال تحصیلی 1404-1403 دانشگاه شیراز (به روز رسانی در تاریخ 3۰ بهمن‌ماه ۱۴۰3)
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