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About the faculty-Development perspective

About the faculty-Development perspective

Vision of the Faculty of E-Learning

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The Faculty of Electronic Education, with the help of God Almighty and in order to keep alive the new Iranian Islamic civilization, has scientific and technological advantages at the national and regional levels, which widely produces, develops and expands basic and applied research, as well as strengthens scientific and research infrastructure. Human resources are needed in the creation of new sciences and technologies by applying new methods and creating new opportunities for the development and progress of the country. Also, the development of the faculty approach from education to research-oriented its activities, by creating and empowering knowledge-based enterprises consisting of academics and university graduates to meet the scientific and research needs of the country.

Some strategies and measures to achieve the future goals and prospects of the faculty as soon as possible:

• Achieving the first rank of regional universities in the world university ranking system

• Attracting world-renowned professors, especially well-known and prominent Iranian professors as faculty members of the university


• Playing an inspiring role and being a pole for supply-oriented universities, at the national and regional level

• Offering new courses

• Development of international cooperation and playing a central role in international scientific cooperation

Develop joint courses with world-renowned universities and play the role of regional partner for major global universities

Facilitate student exchange with regional and world universities

• Investing in distance education and thus investing in information technology infrastructure that allows it to keep pace with the outside world.

• Launching short-term courses with the presence of professors and researchers from world-renowned universities with the aim of attracting specialized knowledge and also gaining prestige in the region and the world

• Amend and supplement the policies of sending scholarship students

• Organizing study opportunities and attending international conferences of faculty members in line with the priorities of the comprehensive scientific map of the country

Research-oriented education with emphasis on the central issue and fostering creativity and avoiding the conservation-oriented educational system