Frequently asked questions of students

Frequently asked questions of students

Frequently asked questions of students


How can I enter the exam system of Shiraz University?

You can enter Shiraz University's exam system by logging into Shiraz University's educational automation (sess) and using the specified link in the desired course. The link is indicated in the right menu under the title "examination system".

What is my username and password in the exam system of Shiraz University?

After entering the educational automation, from the menu on the right and under "User information", select the option "Get initial password".

How is the final exam? Do all professors design the same tests?

The method of the final exam is determined based on the teacher's opinion. In this way, he chooses an item from a list approved by the university that contains different methods of taking the exam. Also, the teacher can design an innovative method for the test by combining several methods. In this context, it is necessary for the teacher to explain to you the method of taking the test before the test.

Can I brainstorm with other people during the test?

The answer to this question is negative. You are not allowed to associate or form like-minded groups. This issue is one of the examples of the Shariah forbidden verb and it is not correct from the moral point of view.

Note that the teacher will use a variety of methods to prevent this unethical act. Create a peaceful atmosphere for yourself and your friends by following the rules.

Am I allowed to use books, pamphlets or computer software during the exam?

The answer to this question depends on the teacher's opinion. These items will be given to you in advance in the detailed description of the test.

Is there a time limit for answering each question?

It is possible to define a time limit for each question based on the teacher's opinion.

After answering each question, can I go back to that question and correct my answer?

The teacher has the option to grant or deny this permission.

Is it possible for me to edit a test after completing it?

Probably, the teacher will not provide you with this possibility. Therefore, be careful in delivering the answer letter.

What should I do if there is a power outage or access to the test system during the test?

In this case, communicate with the teacher. The continuation of the test or any other decision depends on the teacher's opinion. In this case, there are ways to verify your claim.

Online testing practices have me worried. Why are the methods so complicated?

The teacher uses one of the online test methods for proper evaluation. The complexity of this method of testing is because they are new for you. The professor is by your side and with you during the exam and answers your questions. Do not worry about this.

The university officials have provided the students with a fair evaluation by setting rules.

Do I need to type mathematical formulas and relations in the test system?

no In this section, write the questions on paper and then take a picture of it with one of the introduced software. Then upload that photo in the exam system and in the appropriate place. In this context, you can refer to the training of mobile scanner software.

Is there a time to protest the scores in this virtual exam method?

Yes. As with face-to-face classes, a time is set by the teacher to protest the grades. The teacher will inform about this.

Can I ask the teacher my doubts about the test during the exam? How can I communicate with them?

Yes. The teacher determines the communication path. If students have questions or doubts, they can communicate with the teacher through the specified method.

Do I have to be available during the test so that the professor can contact me?

Yes. You must be available during the test so that the professor can contact you. This call can be an audio or video call. The way the teacher will contact you will be determined in advance. The professors' questions are standard and there is nothing to worry about.

What hardware facilities do I need for the final exam?

In general, you can participate in the exam through a computer or mobile phone. You also need to have access to a webcam or smartphone camera. Also, depending on the type of questions, you may need a microphone. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to carry a smart phone during the test. Having paper, pen, calculator and other equipment is also required depending on the type of test.

What software facilities should I install on my device for the final exam?

In general, it is recommended to install Skype, WhatsApp, CamScanner and Adobe Connect software on your mobile phone. If you are using a computer, you should already have Skype and Adobe Connect software installed.

If I have a question about the university's official systems, how can I find my answer?

You can communicate with online supporters who are accessible through educational automation. Be sure to solve your problems some time before the exam date.

Shiraz University officials pay special attention to university students. For this purpose, they have launched a project called "Student Assistant" Each faculty has several support professors in this project. You can contact your support professor and share your problems with him.

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