Tuition payment method for withdrawing students
Tuition payment method for withdrawing students
1- Candidates who have completed their online registration process and paid the tuition fee, but have not registered in person and submitted their documents:
10% of the amount paid on account will be deducted and the rest will be returned.
2- Volunteers who have registered in person and submitted their documents:
10% of the full tuition (fixed and variable) of the first semester will be deducted and the rest will be refunded.
3- Students who have chosen a unit and withdrew before adding and removing (whether they participated in the class or not):
The fixed tuition amount will be deducted and the rest will be returned to them.
4- Students who have chosen a unit and participated in the class (even for one minute) and withdrew after adding and removing, as well as students who withdraw by the end of the first semester:
The entire fixed and variable tuition for the first semester is collected from them.
5- Students who withdraw from the second semester onwards:
They must settle their debt by that time and also pay the fixed tuition for the remaining semesters until the end of the course (8 semesters continuous bachelor, 4 semesters discontinuous bachelor and 4 semesters master).