How to communicate with the support of the exams of the faculty of electronic education1
How to communicate with the support of the exams of the faculty of electronic education1
Dear professors and students of the Faculty of Electronic Education, we request you to carefully read the important instructions and reminders that are presented to you in the continuation of this notice before the beginning of the exams, so that, God forbid, technical problems cause you to lose your concentration and time during your exams. If you need technical support during your exams, please call 07136132687 during office hours and on non-holiday days, and during non-office hours and on holidays or when you are unable to contact technical support, call the first number; Please call 07136132920 or 07136132222. (At the same time, any desk software should preferably be installed on your system so that the expert can understand the problem faster and help)
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اطلاعیه ثبت نام پذیرفته شدگان مرحله تکمیل ظرفیت مقطع کارشناسی پیوسته و کارشناسی ناپیوسته پذیرش صرفاً بر اساس سوابق تحصیلی نیمسال دوم سال تحصیلی 1404-1403 دانشگاه شیراز (به روز رسانی در تاریخ 3۰ بهمنماه ۱۴۰3)
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