Telephone answering and direct contact number with the staff of the Faculty of Electronic Education

Telephone answering and direct contact number with the staff of the Faculty of Electronic Education

Contact numbers of the faculty of electronic (virtual) education.

Education and graduate education experts*
post name Call number
Chief of Education Affairs Ms. Hamide Zahedi 071-36132155
Expert in charge of education and graduate education
Expert in general subjects, bachelor's degree
Bachelor of Law education expert
Specialist in international law master's education
Expert in criminal law and criminology
Expert in Master's Education in Economic Sciences
Ms. Yazdani 071-36132694
Expert in computer education
Specialist in electrical engineering
Expert in holding tests
Ms. Shahabi 071-36132692
Expert in electrical engineering education
Tourism education expert
Information technology master education expert
Ms. Sarvestani 071-36132696
Support for online classes and exams of the faculty
post name Call number
The expert responsible for supporting and supervising the online classes and exams of the faculty Ms. Engineer Sharifzadeh 071-36132687
post name Call number
Chief Financial Officer Mr. Gol Sefatan 071-36132158
Accounting expert Mr. Rahimi bod 071-36132164
Student Accounting Mr. Engineer Salehi 071-36132698
Other departments
post name Call number
Chief of Administrative Affairs and Support Mr. Engineer Mohammad Reza Rastegaran 071-36132159
Secretariat Responsible
Mr. Qalandari 071-36132163
Student affairs expert (loans and dormitory) Mr. Engineer Salehi 071-36132698
Responsible for website support (
Digital content support expert
Ms. Engineer Zarei Contact via "correspondence" in "Educational, Research and Student Automation" (sess)
Dean's department
post name Call number
Dean of the faculty Dr. Nikseresht 071-36132689
Vice Chancellor for Education, Research and Postgraduate Studies Dr. Borhani Haghighi 071-36132153
Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Financial Affairs Dr. Namazi 071-36132162
Head of the Dean's Office Mr. Azari 071-36132151
** If you do not receive a response from other means of communication (sending a message in the correspondence system or calling), you can write to the e-mail address of the International Campus and Specialized Education at


summary-address :

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