Frequently asked questions related to getting to know the e-learning system
What is distance education?
Distance education refers to systems that communicate between the teacher and the learner through communication systems, in this system there is no time and place limit for the learner.
In other words, in this method, educational materials are accessible to learners through multimedia tools, so that learners can benefit from this education effectively without the need to attend class.
In general, distance education started with correspondence methods, and with the advancement of science and communication technology, these types of education also progressed. So that after the correspondence methods of using radio, television, video tapes became common and after the supply and expansion of personal computers and rapid growth in multimedia facilities and especially the emergence of the Internet, distance education underwent a huge transformation.
What is electronic (virtual) education?
E-learning is a new method of education on the Internet, in which the learner can communicate with the teacher and receive educational materials in an environment with all the characteristics of the physical environment. In this method, there is no physical or time limit, as a result, more students can participate in the classroom at any time and place.
History of electronic education
The idea of using computers and computer networks for scientific and educational purposes dates back to the 1960s. Although the main goal of this project known as ARPA was to create a network for the exchange of military information, but because three of its four main centers were located in American universities, the ARPANET network, which eventually led to the creation of the global Internet, grew in an academic context.
With the expansion of Internet technology in the early 1990s, electronic education became popular today and established its position in the educational structure of many countries of the world.
In the meantime, electronic education in Iran was placed on the agenda of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in the late 1970s. In this regard, in 1380, the virtual education site of the University of Tehran was launched, offering 9 lessons for daily students of the university. In 1382, the first e-learning educational and research institute affiliated to Shiraz University was established, and due to the expansion of educational activities and the increase in the number of students, in 1386, this institute became a faculty. Currently, many prominent universities of the country have launched their electronic education units in the form of virtual education centers.
Learning Management System (LMS) in e-learning
E-learning requires a learning management system including software packages under Internet technology to manage the three-way communication between learners and the learning system and teachers. The above system should include features such as presenting the characteristics of courses offered online, registration of learners, registration of learning information of learners during the learning process, preparation of management reports, management of training resources and management of training evaluation, this system is called learning management system. will be In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the Faculty of Electronic Education of Shiraz University has localized the above system by using the scientific and specialized power of its experts and has one of the most advanced systems at its disposal.
Advantages and disadvantages of e-learning
Advantages of e-learning:
Some of the advantages of e-learning are as follows:
Freedom in learning, learner-centered instead of teacher-centered, having strong and efficient evaluation systems, eliminating space and time limitations for education, quick and easy access to educational materials, the possibility of reducing learning time, high flexibility in learning, Reproducibility, the possibility of using multimedia and simulated tools in the education process, reducing commuting and environmental pollution, etc.
Disadvantages of e-learning:
This method also has disadvantages, including:
High dependence on technology, high initial investment, audience's need for computer literacy, limited communication between professor and student, lack of strong communication infrastructure, etc.
Are e-learning courses right for you?
According to the experts, there are some questions that the answer to them will help you to know if the electronic (virtual) training courses are useful for you and you can finish the course easily? But don't forget that in many cases and conditions, your personal abilities that are found to be absent or weak during the test will be useful for you in many stages of life. Therefore, whether the result of your test is positive or negative, it is not bad to think about some cases where your answer to the relevant question is negative and be diligent in solving it.
1. Are you disciplined enough to do your homework without adjusting the class time?
2. Are you good at managing your time?
3. Are you good at writing notes while the teacher is talking?
4. Can you work for yourself outside of the classroom system?
5. Do you like to type what you learn instead of speaking?
6. Do you think you are good at using the internet, computer and e-mail?
7. Do you think you can easily get help from others when you need help?
8. Do you trust yourself to use and experience a new education system?
9. Do you think you are a self-reliant person?
10. Do you do all your work without reminding others?
11. Does your computer have internet access?
12. Is it difficult for you to travel within the city?
If your answer to all the above is positive, the e-learning course is the best educational option for you. Even if you answered yes to 7 questions from the above, you can safely enroll in the e-learning course and be sure that you will receive a good result at the end of the course.
If you answered yes to less than 5 of the above questions, using e-learning courses is not recommended. Your personal and individual skills are such that it will be difficult for you to use electronic training courses, and the lack of results at the end of the course is much more difficult and expensive for you than the cost you pay for the course itself.
But if you have answered 6 to 7 questions positively, or you have a strong desire to do so due to special reasons, such as not being able to participate in face-to-face classes due to work problems, or even the lack of a good training center in the local area and city. Living on your own is the only way for you to learn using virtual and electronic training courses, the training consultants can provide you with books and training pamphlets before starting the course, so that you can use your personal characteristics and abilities to use the courses. Complete online.
Frequently asked questions about degrees and admission methods
What is the credit level of this college's degree?
Considering that this faculty is one of the units of Shiraz University, the degree provided after graduation is also the degree of Shiraz University and has the same validity as other university degrees.
Will we have any problems in terms of employment in different centers?
In relation to the mentioned case, the employment conditions depend on the criteria of the desired location for recruitment and are beyond the authority of the faculty.
How to enter this faculty?
This faculty accepts students through the national exam.
Is there an internal exam every year?
You should visit the site to find out about the special exam held by the faculty.
What is the registration time after acceptance and announcing the results?
You can find out the details and registration schedule by visiting Shiraz University website or faculty website
Frequently asked questions about how to pay tuition and discounts
How to know the amount of student tuition debt?
Dear students, in order to know the amount of their debt, they should refer to the financial affairs section of the tuition accounting option through the student educational automation system sess on the main page of the college website and then settle their debt through online payment We note that students should not pay attention to the red bar on the automation main page to view the debt.
Note: In case of discrepancy between the red color showing the amount of debt and the amount of debt in the tuition accounting section, the student should refer to the tuition accounting to know the actual amount of the debt and not pay attention to the red bar.
What is the deadline for tuition payment?
In addition to the accounting notice, the deadline for tuition payment is also mentioned in the educational calendar.
In addition, tuition payment is allowed only through online payment (except for the students of the Emirates (Dubai) unit) and students who pay tuition manually. Their slips are not acceptable and it will not be possible to register them in the system.
How to pay tuition online?
Students can pay their tuition electronically as follows.
1- Students should use Bank Mellat access card as much as possible to pay tuition.
2- According to Bank Mellat's announcement, students can also use Shatab member cards of Parsian, Pasargad, Ekhtaz Navin, National, Agriculture, and Saman banks.
3- If they do not have a personal access card, they can also use the card of their trusted people.
4- In order to get the internet password of the card, you must go to the ATM of the same bank.
5- In order to enter educational automation and online payment, you must log in through Internet explorer 7.
A) Obtaining the internet password (PIN2) and CVV2 (second password) from Bank Mellat ATM machine.
The first and most important point in online payment is to get the internet password and CVV2 (the second password) which is described as follows.
Insert the access card into one of the ATM machines and after entering the card password, the main menu of the device will appear and select the option to change the password. After choosing the above option, you should choose the option to change the internet password, in which case the device will ask you to enter a number of at least four digits. (Don't forget a four to twelve digit number, such as year of birth, birth certificate number, etc.) and enter the same number again to confirm the internet password. After registering and confirming the internet password, before leaving the device, you must wait until the device automatically gives you CVV2 or the second password, which is a three-digit or four-digit number, which you must write down, because in online payment, you must You must enter the second internet password.
Note that the internet password must be a minimum four-digit number other than the card password or any of the numbers on the card.
Note: If the device is able to print and present a receipt, it will print your request, and if the device has a problem, you must write down the desired number (CVV2) personally.
Students should enter their ID and Password through the educational and student automation system (sess) on the main page of the college website, and then select the online payment option in the finance section and enter the desired amount (tuition debt) in the specified section and click the payment option.
Note: It is clear that the amount entered in this section must be at least the same or slightly less than your balance in the card.
After confirming the payment option, you enter Bank Mellat website, where you must first enter the 16-digit number on the card carefully, then enter the internet password that you got from the device, and at the end, enter CVV2 or the second password and the option Click on the payment confirmation (note that in this case do not enter the ID code and expiration date) and if the entered numbers and passwords are correct, the words "Transaction completed successfully" will be inserted at the top of the page. Finally, select the final confirmation option so that the money is deducted from your account and your tuition debt is also deducted in the system.
The important point here that you should pay attention to is that at the end you have to click the return option so that your operation is done successfully.
In addition, all operations must be done within a maximum period of 10 minutes specified by the bank, although if done correctly, the payment will be made in a maximum of 1-2 minutes.
1- In order to make sure that the online payment is successful, you should refer to the financial affairs section - tuition accounting option and if the deposit amount is registered in the online payment section, the operation has been successful, and if it is not registered in the tuition section, your payment It has not been done successfully and you should repeat the online payment operation again. In other words, if the payment is successful, it shows the status (confirmed) or (deposited), and any other terms other than the above terms are the reason for the failure of the payment.
2- If the operation is not successful and the money is deducted from your account, it will be returned to your account by the bank after a short period of time.
3- If you have done all the mentioned steps accurately and correctly and you have received the message from the bank that the operation was completed successfully, but after referring to the tuition section, the amount paid has not been recorded, you should contact the department by phone number 021-22738310 Thecall center of Mellat Bank has contacted to take necessary measures regarding the return of the money to your account. Also, inform the faculty about this matter so that the issue can be followed up through the faculty.
How to pay tuition in installments
The condition of issuing a certificate of study engagement, settlement form and entrance card for exams
Dear students, please note that according to the approval of the university and the faculty, the issuance of any certificate, including employment, study, etc., as well as participation in final semester exams, is subject to financial settlement.
How to take a single course and its tuition fee
Undergraduate students who have only one course for graduation in their last semester of study must pay only the tuition of the said course and there is no need to pay fixed tuition.
How to apply for a tuition loan and its conditions
Students who have applied for a loan from student affairs and their loan has been confirmed, if the loan has not been deposited into their tuition account, they should deduct the loan amount from their debt and pay the difference through the online system.
Note 1: Students should note that any question about the loan, including obtaining the loan amount. You should follow up on its confirmation through student affairs.
Note 2: The loan amount is not paid directly to the student and is included in the student's account in the system to be deducted from her debt.
Note 3: The terms and conditions of obtaining a loan and its amount are announced through the student welfare department of Shiraz University, and the faculty is not involved in it.
Frequently asked questions of the faculty's student and cultural unit
student loan
What loans can virtual students use?
According to the university's welfare department, in addition to Hajj and Umrah student loans, virtual students can also use tuition loans if the necessary funds are allocated from the Tehran Welfare Fund. The amount of this loan depends on the allocated amount and the announcement of the university welfare department.
What are the necessary documents and guarantor conditions to receive a tuition loan?
A: If the guarantor is an official or contract employee of a country or army during service:
1- The original of the notarized commitment letter (Form No. 1- Sample of the notarized commitment form)
2- A copy of the employment order of the guarantor of an official or contract employee of the government or the certificate of membership and employment for a military guarantor
B: If the guarantor is retired:
1- The original of the notarized commitment letter (Form No. 1- Sample of the notarized commitment form)
2- Copy of the guarantor's retirement order
3- Certificate of deduction from salary in the name of welfare fund of the Ministry of Science
The guarantor must be an official employee, a national contract or an army employee.
If the guarantor is an employee or a military retiree, it is sufficient to submit a notarized commitment document and a membership certificate from the relevant unit, and there is no need for a salary deduction certificate.
What amount should be entered for the salary deduction certificate and for which part the certificate should be issued?
This letter should be issued to the Welfare Fund of the Ministry of Science, and to include the amount of the deduction certificate, the student should contact the student affairs department of the faculty or send a message through the problem response system to get the exact amount of the certificate according to their academic semester. be announced to the student.
Is there interest on the tuition loan?
yes This loan is subject to a 4% annual fee.
Should registration for loans be done every semester?
Is it possible to register for a tuition loan in absentia?
Yes, this registration is done online and there is no need for the student to attend the college
Is the business license acceptable to guarantee the tuition loan?
When should we register for a tuition loan?
Due to the annual changes in the process of applying for and receiving student loans, for more information on the terms and conditions of payment and repayment of Student Welfare Fund student facilities, please refer to the latest announcements listed on the college website, in the student and cultural affairs section of the tuition loan section.
How is the tuition loan repayment for graduates who have used this loan?
As soon as the student graduates and the settlement process is activated, the student should contact the experts of the welfare department of Shiraz University so that his graduation date is registered in the welfare fund portal. After that, he can return ten percent of the total loan amount to the student portal on the Student Welfare Fund website at the address and by entering the username and password (both national codes with a dash) to pay this amount online. After this process, by contacting the settlement section of the University Welfare Department again, the relevant expert will confirm their settlement. After a maximum of one week, he can receive his installment book from the site. It should be noted that repayment of installments is also possible through this portal.
In addition, students who wish can pay the total amount of the loan in one go, plus the fee of this loan - up to the same day when the repayment is made.
What is the username and password to log in to the student portal of Refah Fund?
Both the username and password are the national code of the student with a dash between the numbers, for example 123-456789-1
How can students who do not live in Shiraz submit their tuition loan documents to the faculty?
They should deliver the documents to the student and cultural affairs of the faculty by mail and based on the address listed in the tuition loan notices as well as the time announced in each semester.
How to find out about getting a tuition loan?
If the student has registered on the due date and through the sees online registration system, she can be informed about the process of her loan status in the same way.
In addition, after completing the loan registration process and budget allocation, the tuition loan will be registered as a loan in the student payment system and will be deducted from the student's debt.
I have graduated and during my studies I have used a tuition loan with the introduction of a valid guarantor and the delivery of a notarized document. In the settlement process, a part must be approved by the university's welfare department. Can I settle the account of the Welfare Department in absentia?
Yes, you can confirm the settlement of this part by contacting the welfare department of the university in the tuition loan settlement section.
If we take action to repay the loan after issuing the installment book, will a temporary certificate of graduation be issued to me?
If the guarantor is introduced and the installment book is received, there is no prohibition to issue the student's temporary graduation certificate. But if you want to receive the original of your encyclopedia, you should not have any debt to the student welfare fund at any stage of your studies in any university and you should make a full settlement.
Is it possible to stay in the university dormitory during mid-semester, end-of-semester exams and workshop and laboratory classes?
Due to the lack of commitment and the lack of dormitory facilities even for full-time and full-time students, the university is not able to provide dormitories to non-full-time students. If a suitable dormitory space is arranged outside the university, which is worthy of the student, immediately before the start of the exams or laboratory classes, the relevant announcement will be posted on the faculty website in the student affairs section of the dormitory section. After this process, the applicant students can use the accommodation facilities by visiting the dormitory and viewing the facilities, if they wish, by presenting their student card and paying the accommodation fee - which will be included in the notice.
Al Ghadir card
What is Al Ghadir card?
Al-Ghadir card (universal membership in the country's libraries) - which currently allows the use of about 326 libraries across the country - is carried out by the Research Institute of Information Science and Technology of Iran in cooperation with the Central Library and the Document Center of Shiraz University in such a way that Masters and PhD students of the university can apply online to become a member and register in this project and receive this card and use the facilities of member libraries of the project during the student period.
Dear students, they can apply for the Ghadir card through the Ghadir system of Iran Information Technology Research Institute at the address
After completing this process and confirming the relevant official and issuing the Al-Ghadir card, an email will be sent to the student from the issuing authority of the card, and she can go to the Mirzai Shirazi Library to receive her card.
Is it possible to get Al-Ghadir card in Tehran?
yes This possibility is provided to receive the card only in Tehran. In this way, the students who apply to receive this card in the Tehran office, after issuing the card and receiving an email from the card issuing system, can send their request to the faculty's student affairs through the problem response system, so that their card will be issued from the Mirzai library. Shirazi should be delivered and sent to the representative office of the faculty in Tehran.
Is the time of graduation required to settle the delivery of Al-Ghadir card for master's students?
At the time of graduation, this card must be returned to the Mirza Shirazi Library of Shiraz University to settle the library account for the student. Students who are not able to deliver their Al-Ghadir card to Mirza Library in person can mail this card in full to the student and cultural affairs of the college so that their card can be delivered to the relevant official and the Mirza Shirazi Library account settlement can be confirmed for them.
Student Hajj Umrah
How and when should we proceed for Hajj Umrah as a student?
Every year, with the official announcement of the Hajj and Pilgrimage organization through mass media (radio, television, newspapers and the Hajj and Pilgrimage website), students applying for the Hajj visit the Labik site and register online. The approximate time frame for announcing the organization of Hajj and Pilgrimage is Mehr and Aban every year.
I have registered for Hajj Umrah as a student and my name has been announced for Hajj Umrah. But considering that I am not from Shiraz, it is very difficult for me to attend Shiraz and do the registration procedure in person. How can I deliver these documents to the representative of the university?
Students' Hajj and Umrah documents must be delivered to the representative of the university in person at the appointed time. Considering the distance and other busyness, it will be very difficult for virtual students to come to Shiraz and deliver the documents.
Therefore, they can send the necessary documents to the student affairs department of the college at the times that are included in the student Hajj Umrah notice on the main website of the college, so that the college will follow up to complete and deliver their documents to the person responsible for Hajj Umrah in the representative body of the university.
Health insurance
Can virtual students also have a student health insurance book?
yes The responsible for issuing these booklets is Shiraz University Student Welfare Office.
Is it possible to use supplementary insurance for virtual students?
yes In case of notification by the welfare department and a contract between the insurance company and the university, all students of the university, including the virtual faculty, can use this insurance by paying the necessary fees. In case of notification by the welfare department, the necessary notice will be posted on the college's website immediately.
Miscellaneous: (library, self-service, amenities, cultural and sports organizations)
When we are in Shiraz, is it possible for us to use the university's self-service?
Yes, it is possible to use the lunch meal. . The student should make a meal reservation two days in advance according to the rules of the nutrition department.
Can we use the Khwarazmi library of Shiraz University Engineering Faculty?
Engineering students of the faculty can use this library by visiting the Kharazmi Library of the Faculty of Engineering and getting a library card.
Do virtual students have the possibility to participate in cultural-student organizations as well as membership in university sports teams?
yes A student can become a member and work in the cultural organizations of the Cultural Vice-Chancellor. Also, according to the coordination, students who want to participate in the sports teams of the university can apply for sports activities by referring to the physical education department of the university.
Do we have the right to use the swimming pool, self-service and other amenities?
Despite the non-commitment of the Ministry of Science regarding the provision of amenities and facilities to virtual students due to the lack of permanent physical presence in the university, it has been agreed with the respected management of the university that the students of the Faculty of Electronic Education can also use the facilities of the university such as self-service. indoor with a different cost than daily students
To graduate from different parts of the university, they must confirm the settlement process. Please put the contact number of these parts?
Mulla Sadra Library: 07136137732
Mirzai Shirazi Library: 07136134312
Kharazmi Library: 07136133200
Taghadiya affairs: 07136135425
Accounting of student affairs: 07136135415
Student Welfare Department: 07136135498
Medical department: 07136473108
Frequently asked questions about the educational management system, course content, necessary software, etc.
Guide to the online education system (students)
How to recover a forgotten password in the educational automation system (sess)
Frequently asked questions about e-learning
Frequently asked questions about how to communicate with the faculty
Frequently asked questions about how to receive college news
Frequently asked questions about graduate studies