How to know the amount of student tuition debt

How to know the amount of student tuition debt

Dear students, in order to know the amount of their debt, they should refer to the financial affairs section of the tuition accounting option through the student educational automation system sess on the main page of the college website and then settle their debt through online payment. We note that students should not pay attention to the red bar on the automation main page to view the debt.

Note: If the red text indicating the amount of the debt is inconsistent with the amount of the debt in the tuition accounting section, the student should refer to the tuition option to find out the actual amount of the debt and not pay attention to the red bar.

Information about the deadline for tuition payment

In addition to the accounting notice, the deadline for tuition payment is also mentioned in the educational calendar.

Besides, tuition payment is allowed only through online payment (except for foreign students) and students who pay tuition manually. Their receipts are not acceptable and will not be registered in the system.

How to pay tuition online

Students can pay their tuition electronically as follows.

۱- 1- Students should use Bank Mellat access card as much as possible to pay tuition.

2- According to Bank Mellat's announcement, students can also use all Shatab member cards.

3- If they do not have a personal access card, they can also use the card of their trusted people.

4- In order to get the internet password of the card, you must go to the ATM of the same bank.

5- In order to enter educational automation and online payment, you must log in through Internet Explorer 7.

In order to guide you, dear ones, we will inform you about the online payment methods below.

A) Obtaining the internet password (PIN2 (and CVV2 (second password)) from Bank Mellat ATM machine.

The first and most important point in online payment is to get the internet password and CVV2 (second password), which is as follows.

Insert the access card into one of the ATM devices and after entering the card password, the main menu of the device will appear and select the option to change the password. After choosing the above option, you should choose the option to change the internet password, in which case the device will ask you to enter a number of at least four digits. (Don't forget a four to twelve digit number, such as year of birth, birth certificate number, etc.) and enter the same number again to confirm the internet password. After registering and confirming the internet password, before leaving the device, you must wait until the device automatically gives you CVV2 or the second password, which is a three- or four-digit number, which you must write down, because in online payment, you must You must enter the second internet password.

Note that the internet password must be a minimum four-digit number other than the card password or any of the numbers on the card.

Note: If the device is able to print and present a receipt, it will print your request, and if the device has a problem, you must write down the desired number (CVV2) personally.

b) Online payment

Students should enter their ID and password through the educational and student automation system (sess) on the main page of the college website, and then select the online payment option in the finance section and enter the desired amount (tuition debt) in the specified section. And click the payment option.

Note: It is clear that the amount entered in this section must be at least the same or slightly less than your balance in the card.

After confirming the payment option, you enter Bank Mellat website, where you must first enter the 16-digit number on the card carefully, then enter the internet password that you got from the device, and at the end, enter CVV2 or the second password and the option Click on the payment confirmation (note that in this case do not enter the ID code and expiration date) and if the entered numbers and passwords are correct, the words "Transaction completed successfully" will be inserted at the top of the page. Finally, select the final confirmation option so that the money is deducted from your account and your tuition debt is also deducted in the system.

Important note:

The important point here that you should pay attention to is that at the end you have to click the return option so that your operation is done successfully.

In addition, all operations must be done within a maximum period of 10 minutes specified by the bank, although if done correctly, the payment will be made in a maximum of 1-2 minutes.

It is also better to use high-speed internet for online payment.

important points:

1- In order to make sure that the online payment is successful, you should refer to the financial affairs section - tuition option and if the deposit amount is registered in the online payments section, the operation has been successful, and if it is not registered in the tuition section, your payment will be made with It has not been successful and you should repeat the online payment operation again. In other words, if the payment is successful, it shows the status (confirmed) or (deposited), and any other terms other than the above terms are the reason for the failure of the payment.

2- If the operation is not successful and the money is deducted from your account, it will be returned to your account by the bank after a short period of time.

3- If you have done all the mentioned steps accurately and correctly and you received the message from the bank that the operation was successfully completed, but after referring to the tuition section, the payment amount has not been registered, you should contact the department by phone number 021-2731271 The call center of Mellat Bank has contacted to take necessary measures regarding the return of the money to your account. In addition, inform the faculty about this matter so that the issue can be followed up through the faculty.

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