Al Ghadeer card

Al Ghadeer card

Al-Ghadir card (universal membership in the country's libraries) - which currently allows the use of about 326 libraries across the country - is carried out by the Research Institute of Information Science and Technology of Iran in cooperation with the Central Library and the Document Center of Shiraz University, in this way that Master's and PhD students of the university can apply online to become a member and register in this project and receive this card and use the facilities of member libraries in the student period. Due to the change in the process and procedure of registering for the issuance of a card Al-Ghadir and student application online, you can apply for the issuance of Al-Ghadir card through the Ghadir system of Iran Research Institute of Science and Information Technology at the address An email from the card issuing authority will be sent to the student and he can go to Mirzai Shirazi Library to receive his card.
In addition, students who apply to receive this card in the Tehran office can also send their request to student affairs of the faculty through the problem response system after issuing the card and receiving an email from the card issuing system, so that their card is sent to Tehran. and receive the card from the representative office in Tehran.
It should be noted that at the time of graduation, this card must be returned to the Mirza Shirazi Library of Shiraz University so that the library account can be settled for the student.


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